Agent of Progress System Explanation

The Agent of Progress Sales System (AOP System) is a brain function management system that integrates fundamental realities of human anatomy and physiology to manage prospects’ engagement and conversion processes. Since all human beings have the same brain anatomy and brain physiology the system has global application and multiple uses in the fields of communication, advertising, marketing, sales, and education.

The AOP System generates sales from analytical prospects that existing marketing and sales systems fail to move.

Most sales of discretionary products and services are made to amiable prospects who comprise 14% of the global population. Analytical prospects comprise 86% of the global population. A sale to only 1 of the 6 available analytical prospects doubles traditional sales revenues. The AOP system is scalable and exhibits nearly universal applicability to discretionary products and services markets.

The post-Great Recession, New Competitive Order, with its disruptive velocity of change through globalization, big data, and artificial intelligence, requires more effective communication, marketing, and sales interactions with human beings.

AOP System communications, marketing, and sales processes provide sales personnel with both the structure and the flexibility required to increase sales results. Special revenue enhancement programs have been developed for individuals and for organizations.   Business owners, insurance agents, bank personnel, investment advisers and consultants increase their effectiveness and earnings.

The Agent of Progress System delivers a communications, marketing, and sales process that can also be used by advertising, marketing, and sales personnel to increase sales.

Customized sales training and business revenue enhancement modules are available to individuals, businesses, and consultancies.   More than 80% of the sales professionals who participated in the Agent of Progress System training programs doubled their revenues.

Consultants and sales professionals interested in participating in the Agent of Progress System Sales Training Program and/or the Agent of Progress System revenue enhancement consulting program can request additional information by emailing: